AGENCIAS/LIBERAL Nikole Mitchell publica en la plataforma OnlyFans fotografías y videos eróticos para sus suscriptores.

Pastora cristiana dejó su vida religiosa para ser stripper

Nikole Mitchell, de 36 años, se convirtió en pastora de una iglesia cristiana en Minnesota, Estados Unidos en el 2016. Pero ese mismo año, tras asistir a una obra de teatro, su vida dio un giro repentino, pues se dio cuenta de que era bisexual.

Al ver que su orientación sexual y su vida religiosa no encajaban, decidió dejar de dar sermones para convertirse en ‘stripper’ en la plataforma OnlyFans, en la cual publica fotografías y videos eróticos para sus suscriptores, quienes pagan 25 dólares al mes para ver su contenido.


Mitchell creció en una familia conservadora de cristianos bautistas, pero desde muy temprana edad tenía claro que quería ser ‘stripper’.

“Siempre quise ser ‘stripper’, pero, desde joven, me hicieron creer que mis deseos y cuerpo eran pecaminosos y malos”, dijo la estadunidense al New York Post.

Tras retirarse de la iglesia, se separó de su esposo en 2019 y actualmente vive en Los Ángeles con sus tres hijos.

Sus padres no estaban de acuerdo con esta decisión, ya que, según ellos, las mujeres deben realizar las tareas del hogar y estar pendientes de la familia. No obstante, su exesposo y sus tres hijos la apoyaron.

En sus historias de Instagram llama a soltar lo que no aporta para recibir lo que sí y a elevar estándares.


Mitchell comenzó a sentirse atraída por el modelaje de lencería en Instagram, así que se inscribió en una clase en la que tuvo la oportunidad de hacer una sesión de fotos desnuda.

Luego de esa experiencia, creó una cuenta en la plataforma OnlyFans, en el 2019, y en junio de ese mismo año se separó de su esposo y se fue a vivir con sus tres hijos a Los Ángeles.

“Empecé muy tímida. Solo subía fotos sin brasier, pero ahora estoy en un punto en el que hago fotografías y videos personalizados”, comentó.

“En marzo del 2020, me iban a pagar varios miles de dólares por tener sexo con alguien, pero luego llegó el coronavirus y eso se canceló”, agregó en su charla con el New York Post.

Ahora, además de ser ‘stripper’, se convirtió en ‘coach’ de vida y ofrece diferentes cursos sobre sexualidad, éxito económico y autoestima en su página web.

“Cada persona tiene derecho a expresarse de la manera que le parezca bien, mi sexualidad es increíblemente sanadora y sagrada. Y cuando le doy este regalo a la gente, se bendicen”, concluyó al medio estadunidense.


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I got some sizzling news for you. All month long I've been praying about what to offer you & what would best serve and support you. I could tell God was up to something, & I was trying to tune in & figure out what that was (not that God was being mysterious; it was just me getting up all in my head about it) & then on a call with my coach last week, the perfect offer came together! AND I AM SO FREAKING STOKED!!!! (Like, God is a genius; I love co-creating with him/her/them). We are coming up on the final 3 months of 2020. And we all know this year has been one for the books! With a global pandemic, anxiety and depression stats through the roof, mass layoffs, systemic racism & oppression rampant as ever, there has been A LOT of shifting & changing & rearranging. And it's understandable to want to throw your hat in and call it quits. But I don't want that to be you. I don't want this to be the end of your story. –> I want you to still have the most magical year yet (this year ain't even close to being over). –> I want you to experience the most love, happiness, success, & abundance to date. –> I want you to step powerfully into your identity as co-creator of your life & DECIDE how this year will end for you. I want you to have it all – precisely because it's 2020! This is why I am so stoked to introduce to you: Unfuckwithable – a 14 week journey to taking your power back and turning 2020 into the year of your dreams! I am so excited!!!! I want to give you the tools and support that will help you unlock new levels of success, happiness, & abundance NOW and that's exactly what Unfuckwithable is all about!!! – You get WEEKLY modules (wha??). – You get WEEKLY live calls (amazing!). – You get UNLIMITED access to and support from me (freakin priceless). All the way through to the end of 2020! In order to turn 2020 into the year of your dreams. I am so, so stoked to offer you this!!!! And as if that wasn't enough, when you pay in full, you get one of my absolute favorite courses for FREE!! This is THE MOST PACKED OFFER I have ever created and it's 75% off!!!! Go check it out now!!! Link is in my bio!!!! 📸: @tapemywildsideofficial

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“I’m doing the best I can.” These words came tumbling out of my heart tonight as I stroked my 4yo’s face, with a tear managing to escape and slide down my cheek. I was snuggling him at bedtime tonight when he climbed on top of me and decided that that was the perfect spot to fall asleep. With his big toddler body sprawled on top of me and my arms caressing his face and arms, I started thinking about how he came as a surprise baby. He wasn’t planned AT ALL… but he or God or both of them decided he was meant to be here. So along he came, whether or not I wanted him to.😅😂😊 Fast forward to tonight with him sleeping on my chest, and my heart so badly wanted him to know I’m doing the best I can. Parenting is hard. Parenting in the midst of a divorce is even harder. Parenting in the midst of a divorce while in a global pandemic… is unprecedented. This isn’t to garner pity in any way, but rather to share a glimpse into my human experience.❤️ I get tired. And I feel mom guilt. And there’s always this feeling that I’m not spending enough quality time with each of my kiddos. (because 24/7 during a pandemic isn’t enough?🤦🏽‍♀️😅). So tonight, with my 4yo’s sleeping body on top of me, my heart yearned for him to know that I’m doing the best I can. I make mistakes. I yearn to do better. But this is the best I can do. And somehow I feel like this is a message for all of us. Because really, we’re all doing the best we can. We all wish we could better but what we’re doing is enough. It really is. So from one mama’s heart to all others, may you know you are enough, you’re doing enough, and it is all enough. Everything is going to be okay. Xoxo, The mom stuck under her 4yo’s sleeping body❤️❤️❤️ (Photo of my 4yo snuggling me at the beach yesterday and a video of him turning around to tell me he loves me ❤️😭❤️. Everything really is going to be okay.)

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